This year we will be following a new approach to homework. We hope that this approach will be well suited to our pupils and help them to be the very best that they can be. Outlined below is what our children will be expected to do on a weekly basis. Maths tasks are web-based and login details will be sent home with your child. If your child does not have access via a computer, games console, tablet, phone etc. then they are welcome to attend homework club which runs on Mondays from 3:20pm – 4:00pm. If this is still an issue, please see your child’s class teacher.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Children will be expected to spend some time each week practicing their times tables. It is a government expectation that all pupils know their tables up to 12x12 by the time they reach the end of Year 4. Being able to rapidly recall the answers to tables makes many areas of Maths easier to access. Children will be set tasks on Times Tables Rockstars each week.
How do we access it?
https://ttrockstars.com click on the website and go to the ‘login’ tab. Click on ‘school pupils’ and type in ‘Acre Rigg Academy’ then the username and password. Once in, children can change their avatar but most importantly, complete the times table challenges. The more the children play and the faster they become, the higher up the rock star statuses they go. Children receive certificates in school for playing and scoring, and prizes will be given at the end of the year for best progress in each class.