Take a look at the following booklets to help support your child on their reading journey.
This year we will be following a new approach to homework. We hope that this approach will be well suited to our pupils and help them to be the very best that they can be. Outlined below is what our children will be expected to do on a weekly basis. Many of our tasks are web-based and login details will be sent home with your child. If your child does not have access via a computer, games console, tablet, phone etc. then they are welcome to attend homework club which runs on Mondays from 3:20pm – 4:00pm. If this is still an issue, please see your child’s class teacher.
Reading is essential to everyday life and we want to help our pupils to gain a love of reading. Whilst we commit a large part of our weekly timetable in school to developing reading, reading at home can have a huge impact on pupil progress.
As part of homework, children should complete the following:
· At least four reads a week, on different days. This could be as little as five minutes or longer.
· Record all of their reads in their reading record.
Children earn 5 dojos when they achieve all four reads in a week. 1 dojo can be earned if children complete at least 1 of their weekly reads. Dojos = Prizes.